We can make a difference together 

When you give your gift 

When you give a gift today you are in direct partnership with the local agencies on the ground to make a lasting  change toward generational poverty. 

Una Gota en el Océano

A drop in the ocean is the special theme of Una Gota. They exist to provide care and aid to the elderly (who are sometimes homeless) because they do not have any children to care for them. Inspired by the life and work of Mother Theresa, Una Gota shows the love of God while they build dignity back into each of the seniors lives. CMMS helps to provide funds so that Una Gota can keep their services going, so they can continue doing what they do best which is providing care and aid to the elderly bringing dignity back in the later parts of their lives. 

Together with your help, we can continue to support their needs as they come up. Thank you. 


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